

Child’s full name_____________________________


Child’s full name____________________________

Yearly Tuition (Vacation Schedule – School Year)
Times 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days
9:00-11:30 $9,950.00 $ 10,950.00 $ 11,950.00 $ 12,950.00
12:30-3:00 $,9950.00 $ 10,950.00 $ 11,950.00 $ 12,950.00
9:00-3:00 $13,950.00 $14,950.00 $15,950.00 $16,950.00
9:00-3:00 Plus Extended Hours $14,950.00 $15,950.00 $16,950.00 $17,950.00


Yearly Tuition (Full-Time Yearly Tuition (Full-time Schedule – School Year)

Times 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days
9:00-3:00 $15,450.00 $16,450.00 $17,450.00 $18,450.00
9:00-3:00 Plus Extended Hours $16,950.00 $17,950.00 $18,950.00 $19,950.00


  • Extended hours: 8:00-5:30
  • School year – September 3rd through June 5th
  • For the AM-only children – we have an optional lunch (11:30-12:15) The extra time is $15.00 per day.
  • Registration fee $150.00 (non-refundable) due at the time of registration
  • Supply Fee $250.00 (non-refundable)
  • Deposit: Last month’s tuition (non-refundable)
  • If your child is absent (illness or vacation) you will be required to pay the full rate for his/her “slot”
  • Tuition may be paid on a yearly or monthly basis. For your convenience, the yearly fee is divided into 10 payments (Aug 20th-May20 – ACH payment) Months having vacation days, therefore, have tuition payments equal to those without vacations
  • The school year runs from Sept-June. There is an optional Sumer Camp program during the summer (additional options and cost)
  • The two-day program is available for first-year (younger) students only.
  • Hot Lunch Program – Per School Year (5 days) $1300
  • Tuition is due no later than the 20th of each month. (ACH or post-dated checks) We appreciate your cooperation with this schedule so that we can meet the school’s financial obligations.
  • Tuition is not prorated for sick days, personal vacations, holidays, or snow days. Creative Learning Center will be closed on all vacations and holidays that coincide with the Mercer Island School District. (CLC schedule does not correspond with MISD exactly.  Please see our school calendar)



A sixty-day written notice of student withdrawal from class is required.  If no notice is given, parents are still responsible for the two following month’s tuition.



Parents will:

  • Drop off children five minutes before class time and pick up children promptly at the time agreed upon in this contract.
  • Provide nutritional snacks on a rotating basis with other parents.
  • Provide adequate outdoor clothing, including warm coats, hats, mittens, tights, or pants. We also need waterproof gear for outside play on rainy day, and short pants for hot days.
  • Mark all clothing items brought or worn to school with the child’s name.
  • Provide a complete change of clothing placed in a plastic bag.
  • Complete all admission forms.
  • Parents agree that their child/children will not attend another preschool other than Creative Learning Center simultaneously. (Unless approved by the Director)





We (I)_______________________________and _____________________________

We (I)_______________________________and _____________________________ wish to enroll our (my) child, __________________________in Creative Learning Center at the rate of _________________/month for the times listed below.

*If days are decreased during the year, you will still be responsible for paying for the (higher) rate agreed upon in this contract.


Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11:30-12:15 (lunch)
9:00-3:00 Plus Extended Day
Hot Lunch (optional)


  • Check here if you are enrolling in Vacation Schedule ___________ (This means your child will not attend any Kid’s Club holidays and school breaks)
  • Check here if you are enrolling in Full-Time Schedule __________ (This means you child will attend all Kid’s Club holidays and school breaks)


I have read and understand the policies and procedures listed in this preschool registration form (3 pages) and the Creative Learning Center Parent Handbook.  I am also aware that Creative Learning Center has a Disaster Plan and Health Plan located in a binder on the file cabinet (located in both classrooms). A sixty-day written notice of student withdrawal from class is required. If no notice is given, parents are still responsible for the two following month’s tuition.


PARENT SIGNATURE(S)_____________________________________

PARENT SIGNATURE(S)_____________________________________




**All non-refundable fees below are due at the time of registration

Tuition ___________________

Registration Fee___$150____

Supply Fee ________$250____

T-shirt Fee ________$15.00___

Total: ____________________